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Immutable NFT Don't Pay Money: Thieves and Scammers

Längd : 51

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Immutable_botrobot scam: how I lost a large sum in a Telegram bot. The article describes a real scam scheme with the purchase of NFT and subsequent demands to top up the account. Read to avoid becoming a victim of this new scam!

Längd : 228

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Egendom Innehåll
title Immutable NFT Don't Pay Money: Thieves and Scammers
image:width 100
image:height 100
site_name Immutable NFT Don't Pay Money: Thieves and Scammers
description Immutable_botrobot scam: how I lost a large sum in a Telegram bot. The article describes a real scam scheme with the purchase of NFT and subsequent demands to top up the account. Read to avoid becoming a victim of this new scam!
type website


H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
1 14 6 0 0 0
  • [H1] Immutable NFT thieves and scammers
  • [H2] A real story of how I was scammed out of a decent amount of money in @Immutable_botrobot in Telegram
  • [H2] Immutable bot robot - what is it?
  • [H2] What is the essence of the scheme from Immutable_botrobot
  • [H2] Immutable botrobot scammers are proof №1 why
  • [H2] Scheme from Immutable - Proof #2
  • [H2] This is the finish from Immutable bot robot
  • [H2] Wallets that participated in the transactions
  • [H2] Summary
  • [H2] Conclusion: Beware, Immutable x NFT on Telegram is a Scam
  • [H2] How the Immutable x NFT Scheme Works on Telegram
  • [H2] Main Stages of the Scam:
  • [H2] Why Immutable x NFT is a Scam?
  • [H2] Analysis of Scammer Strategy
  • [H2] Conclusion
  • [H3] Initial User Attraction
  • [H3] Initial Transaction
  • [H3] Attempt to Withdraw Funds
  • [H3] “Verification Requirement”
  • [H3] Escalation of Demands
  • [H3] Endless Cycle of Additional Payments


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nft your for the from immutable and scammers this you

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the 86
and 31
you 22
for 21
immutable 17



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