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Immutable NFT Don't Pay Money: Thieves and Scammers

Longitud : 51

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Immutable_botrobot scam: how I lost a large sum in a Telegram bot. The article describes a real scam scheme with the purchase of NFT and subsequent demands to top up the account. Read to avoid becoming a victim of this new scam!

Longitud : 228

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Propiedades Meta Og

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Propiedad Contenido
title Immutable NFT Don't Pay Money: Thieves and Scammers
image:width 100
image:height 100
site_name Immutable NFT Don't Pay Money: Thieves and Scammers
description Immutable_botrobot scam: how I lost a large sum in a Telegram bot. The article describes a real scam scheme with the purchase of NFT and subsequent demands to top up the account. Read to avoid becoming a victim of this new scam!
type website


H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
1 14 6 0 0 0
  • [H1] Immutable NFT thieves and scammers
  • [H2] A real story of how I was scammed out of a decent amount of money in @Immutable_botrobot in Telegram
  • [H2] Immutable bot robot - what is it?
  • [H2] What is the essence of the scheme from Immutable_botrobot
  • [H2] Immutable botrobot scammers are proof №1 why
  • [H2] Scheme from Immutable - Proof #2
  • [H2] This is the finish from Immutable bot robot
  • [H2] Wallets that participated in the transactions
  • [H2] Summary
  • [H2] Conclusion: Beware, Immutable x NFT on Telegram is a Scam
  • [H2] How the Immutable x NFT Scheme Works on Telegram
  • [H2] Main Stages of the Scam:
  • [H2] Why Immutable x NFT is a Scam?
  • [H2] Analysis of Scammer Strategy
  • [H2] Conclusion
  • [H3] Initial User Attraction
  • [H3] Initial Transaction
  • [H3] Attempt to Withdraw Funds
  • [H3] “Verification Requirement”
  • [H3] Escalation of Demands
  • [H3] Endless Cycle of Additional Payments


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Enlaces en página

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Ancla Tipo Jugo
Immutable thieves and scammers Interna Pasando Jugo
About me Interna Pasando Jugo
Contacts Interna Pasando Jugo
UA Externo Pasando Jugo
RU Externo Pasando Jugo
CN Externo Pasando Jugo

Palabras Clave SEO

Nube de Palabras Clave

scammers immutable your you for nft the from this and

Consistencia de las Palabras Clave

Palabra Clave (Keyword) Contenido Título Palabras Claves (Keywords) Descripción Titulos
the 86
and 31
you 22
for 21
immutable 17



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