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Львівський професійний ліцей торгівлі та сфери послуг

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Львівський професійний ліцей торгівлі та сфери послуг

Length : 53

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  • [H3]      Lviv Higher ProfessionSchool of the Trade and Service Sphere is founded by order of  Lviv Regional union of Ukraine customer societies of Oct.23, 1944 as a Trade Culinary School. The main task of this school was to prepare qualified workers for the public catering trade enterprises in Lviv and Lviv region. On the 24th of October, 1966 the Trade Culinary School on the base of the order of Ukraine Trade Ministry and professional technical education Committee of Lviv region  was reorganized in Lviv professional trade culinary school. On the ground of the Ukraine Trade Ministry and professional technical education Committee of Lviv region order of June 12, 1985 trade culinary school was reorganized in a secondary vocational technical school №18 of Lviv. On purpose to the optimization of school system in region, structure content  improvement of the professional education, quality improvement of the preparing and lessening expenses to prepare staff for the executing order of the Ukraine Trade Ministry and professional education Committee №189 of  July 2, 1993 the vocational technical school №68 was joined to the secondary vocational technical school №18. On the ground of Education and Science Ministry of Ukraine order №211 of  Aug.18, 1996 the secondary vocational technical school №18 of Lviv was reorganized in vocational technical school №18 of Lviv. According to the order of  Education and Science Ministry of Ukraine from Feb.3, 2005  № 82 in order to adapt to the present requirements and directions of the preparing qualified staff, the school was reorganized in Lviv Professional Trade and the Service Sphere Lyceum. According to the order of  Education and Science Ministry of Ukraine from Dec.30, 2013  № 1854 Lviv Professional Trade and the Service Sphere Lyceum was renamed on Lviv Higher ProfessionSchool of the Trade and Service Sphere. Lviv Professional Trade and the Service Sphere Lyceum is a state professional technical educational establishment of the second level accreditation. The Lyceum is a legal successor of the vocational technical school №18 of Lviv. The school puts into practice the primary profession training of the qualified workers, as a rule, among the graduates of general educational establishments on the base of the basis or complete secondary education, and also the training and re-training and the extension of the workers among the unoccupied population acсording to the state license by professions:  Besides that the school realizes the course studying, training, re-training and extension of the school staff. Our qualified teachers and industrial training masters  help to gain the profession skills. Among them we can mention Kiska M.Ye., Khotynets’ka A.K., Mel’nyk S.M, Shevcuk R.B,  Drabinska N.I, Kolachnyk P.V., Ponomarenko N.O., Myna N.A., Vardzal L.S. The engineering pedagogical staff  numbers many teachers of the higher category, and the teachers that have a status of the “Senior teacher”, “Methodist teacher”, Candidate of  economic science and also masters of the  industrial training that has pedagogical status of “The Industrial Training Master” of the first category and “The Industrial Training Master” of the second category. Teachers and the director of the school were remunerated of the Education and Science Ministry of Ukraine charters. The engineering pedagogical worker’s experience is published in magazines “Proftekhosvita” and “Metodychnyi Visnyk” and also is learnt on a level of region. All conditions are created for pupils of the school to work practical skills in an educational baker’s, kitchen-laboratory, mini-restaurant, buffets. More than once our pupils served highly respected persons arrived to Lviv. The collaboration of the pupil and teacher staff with the educational establishments of other contries (Poland, Germany, Slovakia) deservs a great attention. The school adminisration considers the priority of the innovation directions studing in the preparing qualified workers. On this purpose the school welcomes to the work experience changing representatives of schools from Poland, Germany. Our graduates have works because we prepare specialists that have a demand on the labour market. After graduating from the Lyceum many pupils continue their study at the higher educational establishments and successfully work in the prestige state and private enterprises of the trade and restaurant management, for example, in such hotels as “Grand-hotel”, “Dnister”, “Zhorzh”, supermarket “Arsen”, “Barvinok”, limited liability company “Zubra-center”, restaurant “Kolyba” and others. Welcome to us.
  • [H4] Кухар, кондитер
  • [H4] Офіціант, бармен
  • [H4] Продавець продовольчих та непродовольчих товарів
  • [H4] Обліковець (реєстрація бухгалтерських даних)
  • [H4] Агент з організації туризму, адміністратор
  • [H4] Перукар (перукар-модельєр)
  • [H4] Візажист
  • [H4] Манікюрник- педикюрник
  • [H4] Майстер ресторанного обслуговування


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Керівництво Internal Passing Juice
Події і новини Internal Passing Juice
Оголошення Internal Passing Juice
Освітній процес Internal Passing Juice
Інтернет ресурси для навчання Internal Passing Juice
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Детальніше Internal Passing Juice
Детальніше Internal Passing Juice
Детальніше Internal Passing Juice
Детальніше Internal Passing Juice
Детальніше Internal Passing Juice
Детальніше Internal Passing Juice
Детальніше Internal Passing Juice
Міністерство освіти та науки України External Passing Juice
Львівський регіональний центр оцінювання якості освіти External Passing Juice
Український центр оцінювання якості освіти External Passing Juice
Освіта UA- кращий сайт для вчителів External Passing Juice
Сайт Львівської міської рада External Passing Juice
Сайт Верховної Ради України External Passing Juice
Освітянська мережа України External Passing Juice
Навчально-методичний центр ПТО у Львівській області External Passing Juice
Департамент освіти і науки ЛОДА External Passing Juice
ДНЗ "Львівське ВПУ торгівлі та сфери послуг" External Passing Juice
Створення сайтів - SL company External Passing Juice

SEO Keywords

Keywords Cloud

торгівлі trade україни наказу освіти professional technical lviv навчання school

Keywords Consistency

Anahtar Kelime Content Başlık Anahtar Kelimeler Açıklama Başlıklar
school 20
lviv 16
освіти 14
trade 14
торгівлі 9



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