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Home | The University of Sheffield

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Egendom Innehåll
title Undergraduate open days
description Study at a Russell Group university where you'll find a welcoming community in an affordable student city. Start your journey at our next open day and book your place today.
image:alt Students on campus


H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
1 11 9 0 0 0
  • [H1] The University of Sheffield homepage
  • [H2] Undergraduate open days
  • [H2] Study
  • [H2] Research
  • [H2] News
  • [H2] New MRI scanning technology to improve clinical accessibility and advance lung disease diagnosis
  • [H2] Historic stone buildings and bridges could be preserved by new engineering technique
  • [H2] Sheffield among UK cities that benefit the most from international students
  • [H2] Teenagers fleeing war helped to become future community leaders by University of Sheffield
  • [H2] Events
  • [H2] Collaborate
  • [H2] Footer menu
  • [H3] Explore undergraduate study at Sheffield
  • [H3] Search for a postgraduate course
  • [H3] PhD study
  • [H3] Sheffield Live online events
  • [H3] Tunnel vision: Using cosmic rays to safely inspect railways
  • [H3] Research that changes lives
  • [H3] Our impact
  • [H3] Explore our Player


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Postgraduate taught courses Interna Passing Juice
PhD study Interna Passing Juice
Apprenticeships Interna Passing Juice
Mature students Interna Passing Juice
Online learning Interna Passing Juice
TEFL and English as a second language Interna Passing Juice
Studying at Sheffield Interna Passing Juice
Teaching Interna Passing Juice
Facilities Interna Passing Juice
Ranking, reputation and history Interna Passing Juice
Your career prospects Interna Passing Juice
Students' Union - the UK's no. 1 Interna Passing Juice
Clubs, societies and sport Interna Passing Juice
Guide to Sheffield Interna Passing Juice
Support Interna Passing Juice
Accommodation Interna Passing Juice
University residences Interna Passing Juice
Rent Interna Passing Juice
Apply for accommodation Interna Passing Juice
Visit Interna Passing Juice
Undergraduate open days Interna Passing Juice
Postgraduate events Interna Passing Juice
International visits to your region Interna Passing Juice
Sheffield Live online events Interna Passing Juice
Subject taster sessions for Y12 and Y13 students Interna Passing Juice
Apply Interna Passing Juice
Undergraduate applications Interna Passing Juice
Postgraduate taught applications Interna Passing Juice
PhD applications Interna Passing Juice
Applying as an international student Interna Passing Juice
Visas and immigration Interna Passing Juice
International students Interna Passing Juice
Our international community Interna Passing Juice
Undergraduate fees and funding Interna Passing Juice
Postgraduate taught fees Interna Passing Juice
Postgraduate taught funding Interna Passing Juice
PhD fees Interna Passing Juice
PhD scholarships Interna Passing Juice
Contact us Interna Passing Juice
Research at Sheffield Interna Passing Juice
Our strategic priorities Interna Passing Juice
Our people Interna Passing Juice
Research environment and culture Interna Passing Juice
Open Research Interna Passing Juice
Find a PhD Interna Passing Juice
PhD projects directory Interna Passing Juice
Expertise Interna Passing Juice
Flagship research institutes Interna Passing Juice
Facilities Interna Passing Juice
Library Interna Passing Juice
Explore our impact Interna Passing Juice
Research Excellence Framework 2021 Interna Passing Juice
Research features Interna Passing Juice
UN sustainable development goals Interna Passing Juice
University Player Externa Passing Juice
Nobel Prizes Interna Passing Juice
Queen's Anniversary Prizes Interna Passing Juice
Contact Interna Passing Juice
Partnerships Interna Passing Juice
How we support business Interna Passing Juice
Examples of business partners Interna Passing Juice
Our role in the city and region Interna Passing Juice
International Interna Passing Juice
Our global networks Interna Passing Juice
We Are International campaign Interna Passing Juice
Global opportunities and exchanges Interna Passing Juice
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Virtual schools hub Interna Passing Juice
Activities and events Interna Passing Juice
Sustained programmes Interna Passing Juice
Partnerships Interna Passing Juice
Global Engagement team Interna Passing Juice
Schools and Colleges Liaison team Interna Passing Juice
Hospitality Externa Passing Juice
Cafes and bars Interna Passing Juice
About the University Interna Passing Juice
News Interna Passing Juice
Events Interna Passing Juice
Jobs Interna Passing Juice
Sustainability at Sheffield Interna Passing Juice
Support for refugee students and scholars Interna Passing Juice
Our vision and strategic plan Interna Passing Juice
Governance and management Interna Passing Juice
Rankings Interna Passing Juice
Departments and services Interna Passing Juice
Academic departments Interna Passing Juice
Faculties Interna Passing Juice
Professional services Interna Passing Juice
Courses Interna Passing Juice
PhD study Interna Passing Juice
Pathway programmes for international students Externa Passing Juice
Online learning Interna Passing Juice
Courses for mature students Interna Passing Juice
An X-ray for tunnels Interna Passing Juice
Information for visitors Interna Passing Juice
Covid-19 Interna Passing Juice
Student policies and protection plan Interna Passing Juice
Make an online payment Interna Passing Juice
Support us Interna Passing Juice
Student hub Externa Passing Juice
Staff hub Externa Passing Juice
Alumni Interna Passing Juice
Students' Union Externa Passing Juice
Library Interna Passing Juice
Contact Interna Passing Juice
Feedback Externa Passing Juice
Privacy Externa Passing Juice
Accessibility Externa Passing Juice
FOI Externa Passing Juice
Modern slavery statement Externa Passing Juice

SEO Nyckelord

Nyckelord Moln

sheffield university students courses postgraduate international study undergraduate research phd

Nyckelord Konsistens

Nyckelord Innehåll Titel Nyckelord Beskrivning Rubriker
sheffield 24
research 19
university 14
phd 11
students 11



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